Monthly Archives: May 2015

A Dinner Party Through Time

Hors d’oeuvres.
Pork tartlets, 14th century, Plantagenet
First Course
Salmon en croute with candied fruit and herb sauce, Tudor, c1600
Second Course
Hashed chickens and stewed turnips with roast quince, 1660, Stuarts
Third Course
‘Mutton to eat as venison’, with Lenten Pie, 1773, Georgian
Fourth Course
Cucumber, gin and mint sorbet, 1920s
Fifth Course
Pigeon faggot, cabbage and mustard sauce, mash, WWII 1940s
Sixth Course
Pompion Pye, Stuarts

Late last year at the very beginning of November I was asked to cook for a dinner party and I was given the most fantastic brief. It was to be for 15 people and 7 courses, and a whistle-stop journey of British food through the ages. This is the kind of brief I absolutely love getting my teeth into.
For anyone who is interested in history, there is no better way to experience it first-hand than cooking an old recipe; you can watch a film, read some original documents, whatever, but food is the only way to actually directly witness a past event.
After much deliberating, I came up with menu, and I thought I would share with you the recipes for each course along with a bit of history about the times or the people who wrote it.
We began with Plantagenet hors d’oeuvres and ended up at World War II for the sixth course.
The dessert bucked the trend; a pudding that used pumpkin as its main ingredient was asked for. (It was the day after Hallowe’en, after all.)
Here’s the full menu:

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Filed under Britain, cooking, food, history, Recipes, Uncategorized

Dr Buttery on The Food Programme

Hello there everyone, just a very quick post to let you know that Yours Truly will be on Radio 4’s legendary Food Programme.

A 2-part tribute to Jane Grigson has been recorded in front of a live audience down in Bristol. Sheila Dillon hosts and on the panel are Diana Henry, Shaun Hill and Geraldine Holt. I was invited down to take part in it because Jane Grigson has changed my life, so I get to chat with them about how the blog has led me from PhD student, to starting my own food business.

It’s a two-parter and the first episode goes out today at 12.20, and the second episode is broadcast tomorrow at 3.30.

All very exciting and I am so glad that producers Rich Ward and Dan Saladino contacted me about it.


Filed under cooking, food, history