Category Archives: Liebster Award

‘British Food: A History’ gets a Liebster!

I’ve only gone and been given a Liebster Award!

Many, many thanks to Sharon and Vinny Grette  at Cook up a Story for giving me it. I am extremely flattered and pleased that someone out there not only reads my wafflings but also thinks them actually quite good.

If you are unaware of what the Liebster Award is (as I was until yesterday), it is simply a way for bloggers to show off the talent of other bloggers, especially those with new blogs. The idea is to nominate five blogs and pass it on to them so The origin is not known for sure, but it believed to come from Germany.

So thanks again to Sharon and Vinny Grette – they themselves hugely entertaining bloggers and food writers; they definitely deserved a Liebster and no mistake.

Now that I have been handed the baton, I need to list five blogs that I think worthy of the award in no particular order, I wouldn’t be so cheeky to nominate my other blog though:

First up is Eatvolution, a newly-hatched blog that manages to combine food with science. Being a scientist myself in my day job, I really appreciate that it isn’t just the obvious food science or molecular gastronomy stuff that is doled out though, oh no, all branches are covered here. Like any good scientist, they’ve even the references at the end of each post.

Come Step Back in Time is a history blog that is both well-written and detailed but without the waffle and boredom! Posts on here have given me inspiration for my own blog articles, which is just how the blogosphere should work I reckon.

I have been following the food blog Scallionrap for a while now and love the range of subjects and styles of writing in there; from the long and detailed posts to the whimsically brief. Whether displaying brevity or meticulousness, each post is well crafted and entertaining to read.

I originally came across Austinonly when Googling a blog entry a few months ago and I remember thinking that this one is far too specific. After a little reading I realised how wrong I was. Austinonly manages to show a rich and complex part of our not-too-distant history that is such a world away from modern life.

Last up (but by no means least) is Granny Robertson’s Cookbook a food-history blog that essentially does the same job as my own. Happily we don’t seem to tread on one another’s toes, even when we write on the same subject matter. The reason for this I think is that we have very different styles, but aim to be both fun and accurate at the same time; a trick not so easy to pull off.

So they are the five I have chosen ad I hope you check them all out follow their writings…

If you like the blogs and podcast I produce, please consider treating me to a virtual coffee or pint, or even a £3 monthly subscription: follow this link for more information.


Filed under Blogs, Liebster Award, Uncategorized