Category Archives: events

An in-person event at the British Library, 25 May 2024: Tea & Revolution!

Hello everyone. A very quick post just to tell you about the in-person event at the British Library I am taking part in as part of the British Library’s Food Season Big Weekend 2024. I will be in conversation with historian and food expert Professor Nancy Siegal discussing ‘Revolution & Tea in the USA’.

It’s on Saturday 25 May 11.15 am at the British Library Piazza Pavilion, tickets £5/2.50 (barg!). There will be tea and there will be cake! Click here to book.

It would be great to see you there if you are in or around London on the 25th. You can also buy a weekend pass for the full weekend. See here for weekend passes.

More info from the website:

“Taste the past and find out how 18th century American women, armed with tea and cake, helped stoke a revolution. Nearly 300 years after the United States of America successfully freed itself from Britain, historian and food expert Professor Nancy Siegal moves beyond the battlefields and weapons to meet the women who harnessed the kitchen to champion freedom and American nationalism. Nancy will be in conversation with food historian Dr Neil Buttery. Tea and cake, made from original recipes, will be served. 

‘Morning Tea’ by Richard Houston (1758; British Museum)

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Filed under events, Festivals, food, General, history